A different type of lifestyle coaching...

Using the Vedic model of a divine self with an infinite source of potential for healing and manifestation, it becomes clear that all we have to do is to let go of the obstacles that stand in the way.

But what are these obstacles?

Sometimes they come in form of inner demons - our unconscious conditionings that keep us prisoners of our own action.

In our sessions, we will work through these conditionings, through practical and creative methods that will allow you to experience the freedom that comes with letting go.

Sandra Hayes

"As a Vedic counseler and Ayurvedic Practitioner I am very aware of the need for more creative, intuitive and feminine methods to allow men and women alike to connect to their own source and discover their full potential. In my work I am using a variety of techniques that I have learned and that have proven incredibly helpful and effective both for myself and my clients."

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instruction to s on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I get reschedule if I can't make my appointment?

If something comes up for you and you have to re-schedule your appointment, you can do that no problem. Just write to me ahead of the time and let me know. However, you don't tell me beforehand, you will loose your payment.

How often can I re-schedule?

You can re-schedule the same appointment up to 2 times. If you miss your second appointment, you will loose your payment.

If you are a regular client however and you have talked to me about a particular situation you may find yourself in, I will do my best to accommodate you.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again. Feel free to check out my coaching packages on www.sandrahayes.eu